Transformation Awaits

Trust ... Let Go... Be Open

Grounded in ancestral practices and teachings, we offer experiences of altered consciousness in a legal, private and serene setting that will help open portals of your mind to access deep and transformational healing.

Increase your understanding of yourself, your relationship with others and the wider universal context - leading to greater spiritual awareness and transformational growth.

Imagine a sense of increased self-love and acceptance - living your life in a more genuine and authentic way..

*Our retreats are intentionally limited to 6-8 participants…

We facilitate individual 1:1 journeys (unlike most retreats that require participants to journey as groups together) while at the same incorporate rituals that honor and respect the ancestral heritage and wisdom of plant based medicine. Our retreats culminate with group integration circles to bring together our collective energies and expound on our connection with others, with nature and the universe, post retreat integration and continued ongoing integration support through our network of integration support specialists.


Native Jamaican chefs who put love into the cooking process share the ways in which they carefully select and mix together locally sourced food to create delicious and nourishing home cooked meals your taste buds will always remember. Daily delicious dining is inside or alfresco on the veranda. A torchlight beach party is sometimes a welcome end of retreat surprise with fresh fish cooked on the grill.

Mind & Body

Our yoga instructor will guide you through a sensory meditation and an energizing flow that will mobilize your spine, activate your core and invigorate your spirit.


We work exclusively with a local Jamaican company called Oshun DreamSpa - led by a spiritually grounded leader with over 20 years of experience in the field. His therapists have a unique talent, passion and love of their craft. They offer customized whole body massages which tap into the chakra energy sources to loosen and free blockages within the body resulting in a sense of utter relaxation, rejuvenation and peace.


Ceremonial Sound Bath - a meditative concert for stress reduction and relaxation. A calming symphony of sound designed to center self and bring you to a place of peace and serenity so that you are open to receiving wholly and completely


Comprehensive screening and personalized review of Intentions

[Helping you determine your roadmap to transformation]


Three-night retreat in luxurious, private all inclusive villa in Jamaica

A safe therapeutic setting that allows space for contemplation of self in the greater expansiveness of the world

(Intimate small group experience - limit of 6 participants/couples pairings)


1:1 and Group Integration sessions

Explore the comfort and challenges of fantasies and feelings that arise

Process somatic responses in the body and how they relate to self-concept, and self/other perceptions

Integrate newfound knowledge and insights to enhance aspects of your lifestyle

[Follow up referral within our Integration network of mental health clinicians]